New World – How to Abandon A Quest
At times, there is that need to simply abandon a quest whether it is too hard, not aligned with your goals or it just isn’t worth it…
At times, there is that need to simply abandon a quest whether it is too hard, not aligned with your goals or it just isn’t worth it…
Throughout your adventures in New World, are you showered with Error that you have no idea how to resolve? Take a look at our troubleshooting steps.
Most MMORPGs have two factions, but not New World, there are three factions, Marauders, Syndicate & Covenant. What are their benefits and who to join?
Should we have a trusty mount that allows us to travel through the world of Aeternum during our quest to gain immortality?
A Camp can serve as a respawn point, you can simply rest at a camp to quickly regenerate Health or craft basic supplies before handing off into battle.
There is no limit on the amount of times you can repair a piece of gear & never lose max durability as long as you have the necessary materials
In New World, each settlement (Town) will have it’s own Territory Standing reputation. Each provides lots of passive benefits if it’s levels are high enough.
In New World, each settlement (Town) will have it’s own bank or as New World calls it the Storage Shed. They are not based on slots but on a weight system.
Do you know what types of weapons and their Stat Bonuses they provide in order to survive through New World and gain immortality through Azoth?
A New World guide that will outline everything you need to know on how levelling up in New World and get that fast edge among everyone else on your server