New World Guides

New World Guides

Faction System Feature

New World – Faction System

Most MMORPGs have two factions, but not New World, there are three factions, Marauders, Syndicate & Covenant. What are their benefits and who to join?

NewWorld SpawnFort outpost

New World – Mount System

Should we have a trusty mount that allows us to travel through the world of Aeternum during our quest to gain immortality?

New World Camp Tier 2

New World – Camp System

A Camp can serve as a respawn point, you can simply rest at a camp to quickly regenerate Health or craft basic supplies before handing off into battle.

New World Territory Standings Selection UI

New World – Territory Standing

In New World, each settlement (Town) will have it’s own Territory Standing reputation. Each provides lots of passive benefits if it’s levels are high enough.

New World Leveling Guide Feature

New World – Leveling Guide

A New World guide that will outline everything you need to know on how levelling up in New World and get that fast edge among everyone else on your server

Fayie Enterprise
