MSL December High Secret Egg Pull
Fayie is pulling 540 High Secret Eggs this December 2023. How many Natural 5 Astromons do you think I will get?
Fayie is pulling 540 High Secret Eggs this December 2023. How many Natural 5 Astromons do you think I will get?
Primo Festival is back for Midsummer Miho. Currently, the only Water Nat5 with punture so summon her now to get ahead in PVE Content.
Primo Festival is back for Midsummer Miho. Currently, the only Water Nat5 with punture so summon her now to get ahead in PVE Content.
Fayie is pulling his Legendary Dark & Secret Egg this April 2023. Will I get a Natural 5 Dark Astromon or would it be just another 4* I own?
Primo Festival is back for Gilgamesh. If you do not have a Dark Gilgamesh and enough gems to hit 300 total summons which is about 17k gems, pull now!
Fayie is pulling his Legendary Light & Dark Egg this October 2022. Will I get a Natural 5 Light/Dark Astromon ever? Or would it be just another 4* I own?
Fayie is pulling just 20High Light/Dark Eggs this November 2022. Will I get a Natural 5 Light/Dark Astromon ever, maybe not even Nat5 how about a Nat4?
Fayie is pulling Astromons this Hero Festival September 2021. Will I finally get my Dark/Light Balrona?
Fayie is pulling Astromons this Clan Festival September 2021. Will I finally get some Natural 5 Light and Dark Astromons?
Fayie is pulling Trinkets this Valkyrie Rates Up December 2021. Will I finally get some exclusive trinkets for Valkyrie?