Swords of Legends Online
Swords of Legends Online, or simply SOLO is developed by Aurogon, Wangyuan Shengtang Entertainment Technology CO.. From the publishers of TERA online and AION, they bring us the brand new MMORPG. Solo is currently known for using their own in-house engine and not UE3 nor UE4.
Below, is a rough Roadmap that has been communicated by the GameForge Team.
Question & Answer Session
Early Access
Q: Beta Dates?
A: No Beta Dates will be discussed today. However, here is a pre-alpha roadmap of Swords of Legends Online.
Q: Alpha, starting this week. Who is getting in Alpha?
A: Alpha is designed for our Medium Press Partners, as well as selected content Creators. Forge Masters will have access to Alpha however, A handful of Forge Masters will receive Beta Access.
Q: Can we stream the Alpha
A: No, Alpha is strictly under NDA. However, Once Beta has started, Alpha footage is able to be released to the public. Beta is NOT under NDA.
Q: When is Beta
A: Soon, Summer 2021
Q: Any rewards or benefits for participating in the Beta?
A: They might be some exclusive rewards/possibly a mount that will happen during the Beta as an event
Q: How to get Beta Access?
A: Pre-order will have Beta Access from both Steam and GameForge Access. You can also join in the SOLO raffle that will be closed on the 10th of May 2021. Fayie is considering giving out some Beta Keys as a raffle in the near future as well.
Q: More ways to get Beta Keys
A: More Beta Giveaways coming. Here is one currently via Gleam Giveaway. Selected Content Creators will have keys to give away.
Q: Can we stream the Beta
A: Yes, Beta is NOT under NDA.
Q: Pre-order Bonus, Package Packages, will they be accessible in Beta
A: No, you will have them during the start of launch
Q: Do I only receive them in the first character I made in NA/EU, or do I receive them in both
A: You will get them in both regions. We will have 2 separate “Databases” in each region. So, both Regions will get them.
Q: Will Beta Progress be reset during launch
A: Yes, Beta Progress will be reset. However, pre-orders will have the name reservation.
Q: Will we get any content exclusive for Western Release
A: Currently two, when you Pre-Order you get 2 additional things that the Eastern Releases don’t have, namely the special title & the flag for your house.
Q: What are the bonuses for topping up during Beta
A: Stefan (Glasses Baldy) knows it but won’t share it
Q: Is there queue times?
A: Yes, they are queue times in place if we do get overloaded. Chances are, high chance that servers will probably crash anyways
Q: Does Beta Key receive full game access
A: Beta Key will give you access to Beta Only, unless you pre-order/purchase the game, you will not have full game access when it launches.
Q: If you used a beta key you received but did not pre-order, do you keep anything you purchase from the store if you decide to buy the game at launch
A: You should, currently still unconfirmed, but devs are working on it to make that happen.
Cash Shop
Q: You showed Cash Shop so much, are you hiding something from us in the Cash Shop?
A: No, Cash Shop will strictly be non-P2W
Q: Is there any Pay 2 Win – P2W?
A: No, Outfits have no stats, mounts speed/stats are exactly the same as in game earned mounts. Purely Cosmetics only.
Q: Any dual riding mounts?
A: At launch, they will not be any dual riding mounts. Dual Riding mounts are planned for future content releases. However at launch, Berserkers will have a special class skill that allows you to invite a player to ride you (you will turn into a tiger-ish animal).
Q: Will the shop content change? Will they be things that will be more items added later on
A: From Alpha to Beta to Launch, Store contents will not change, however during launch, they will be more things added.
Q: In the Cash shop, most of the hair are black, are there any other different colors?
A: Based on the Chinese game, based on a very traditional Chinese setting, that’s why we are seeing Chinese based models and outfits. So No, you cannot customize the colours from the ones offered. However, in the future, we are planning to add other colors such as blue, green pink purple and so on.
Q: Gift Mode could be potentially abused; would it be restricted in any way?
A: Gift Mode is friends only feature, but no further limitations. However, we will be monitoring closely for any potential abuse.
Q: Will Cash Shop be opened during Beta
A: Cash shop will be opened during Beta, Payments can be made, you can buy stuff. However, we will refund during launch and add an additional incentive.
Q: Can you freely change your costumes or appearance in game?
A: Yes, you can. There is an in-game wardrobe feature which gives additional customizations that you won’t see when you first create a character.
Q: Can you buy outfits for other people
A: Yes, through the gifting function
Q: All purchases are account bound or character only.
A: Yes, but there are gender limitations
Q: Future Updates Monetization’s
A: Buy to Play Model, Gameforge wishes to keep the game as a b2p Model with all expansions are planned to be free
Q: Will they be a Battle Pass, during launch?
A: Not at launch, but sometime after launch, purely cosmetic only for paid battle pass.
Q: Any Pay 2 Progress items
A: No
Q: Pre-order Packages Outfits, are they exclusive?
A: For now, they are exclusive.
Q: All same content as China
A: Yes, but a remaster version, with a few adjustments, mostly Quality Of Life “QOL” and cosmetics. Content wise should be the same
Q: How often is content being released
A: Every couple of weeks to monthly basis, we are planning to release content however, this is still not set in stone.
We will not “catch up” to China as that is not the goal, but we will be constantly releasing new content.
Q: Is there a Marriage System
A: No, not even in the China Version of the game. However, we are looking into this. They are matching fashion that role-players may like to collect.
Q: Entry Limit for Dungeons
A: Not limited, limited in the rewards you receive by doing them multiple times. It will have the same structure as in China. Rewards will reset on a daily/weekly basis.
Q: Loot – Do I get loot individual, or is there a system
A: Individual rewards System, however, similar to Blade and Soul, some rewards are individual only, while others have a Greed/Roll System instead.
Q: Is there any AFK activities
A: No
Q: When are the new classes releasing?
A: Other classes will be released during content patches. They will not be released all at once.
Q: How does Levelling Work
A: Levelling is predominating Story Questing.
Q: Is there RNG gear upgrades
A: No, upgrading gear just needs the materials and gold (Like BNS)
Q: Can you be able to Solo Raids
A: Not planned to Solo raids, but I’m sure someone will manage it
Q: Will they be dungeons added in the future
A: Yes
Q: Server Wise, NA and EU Serers, will they be language servers separately
A: We will have cluster servers; US Servers are located in the east coast. EU servers are located in Germany. All EU servers will all be sharing 1 server. Gameforge is planning to have special language global chats, one for Germany and French. However, it will be a single international server.
Q: What kind of chats are there?
A: They will be Global, Region Language, Guild, Team, Class, Mentor/ Apprenticeship /Trainee Chats
Q: Can My characters switch between NA or EU
A: No, all characters are server bound. However, all accounts can have characters in both regions.
Q: Any further servers
A: Nothing planned so far.
Q: Will they be other Servers?
A: No
Q: Will Steam & GameForge have different Servers
A: No, Steam and GameForge will both share the same server.
UI / Optimization
Q: Unreal Engine 4 Update? Will we get this, when?
A: We don’t know, but we are in discussion to get it from China and get it up for the western release right away.
Q: Optimization Concerns in China, is GameForge aware of it?
A: SOLO is a performance intensive game; we have customizations that can assist in performance issues. Such as Hide Characters.
Q: Is there DPS Meters & Threat Meters
A: Yes, it will be customizable via the Interface UIs.
Q: Account Storage, Character inventory, is it account shared or individual
A: Each character has its own inventory; additional inventory can be crafted in game. It is not a purchasable item. Bank will also be individual character only. However, there is also another option called “Shared Inventory”, this is account Region shared. However, not everything can be placed into the account shared inventory
Q: Is UI Customizable?
A: Yes, you can customize basically everything, whether it’s position or size, just like in BDO, and you have up to 8 different pre-sets.
Q: Any plans for GeForce
A: No
Q: What PVP Modes will be released during launch?
A: Currently, they will be launching with Duels & Arena content. This is essentially a third of the available PVP Modes SOLO has to offer in the Chinese/Taiwan Version.
Q: Is there specs that are restricted from being able to be queued into
A: PVP Arena – not possible to queue as a tank in 3v3, however, once you are inside, you can respec into tank.
Q: Can you queue as a party in PVP
A: Yes, you can, you can queue as individual or as a party
Q: Is there a Guild vs Guild during release
A: No, however, GVG will be released in the first big content patch. GVG is 100 vs 100s for anyone who does not know.
Q: Is there Open World PVP?
A: Stefan (Glasses Baldy) knows but he won’t answer it. Yes, read more on the PVP content.
Q: I have more PVP Questions, that you haven’t answered
A: They will be a PVP dedicated stream
Q: Do I have to outbid/fight for housing spots
A: It is first come first server. They will be around 1000 neighborhoods. Each neighborhoods contains roughly 20 floating islands. Should be enough for everyone.
Q: Housing is it account based or character based
A: 1 Housing per account
Q: Can my friend move in my house
A: No, your friend can sleep on the streets instead. They can help build the house, they can receive access and permissions to help take care of the house, however, the house won’t be theirs.
Q: Can I kidnap NPCs and put them in my house?
A: They are special items that are holograms or statues of the NPCs. That includes Bosses from Raids as well. You can also have pets and wild animals in the house.
Q: Is housing purely decorative, or do they have some functionality
A: U can upgrade your island, which you can do by collecting special materials which you get from your island. Housing will provide cooking stations and Fishing Spots. Housing will also provide daily quests and treasure maps.
Other Questions
Q: Chinese voiceovers during launch?
A: No Chinese Voiceovers at launch but we are considering in adding it. Yes, you can decide and toggle between Chinese and English voice overs.
Q: Will they be any subtitles?
A: We will have English, German and French Subtitles ready in Beta
Q: Is the translation what we saw during the first stream finalized
A: No, we are working on improving the translation daily, everything is still work in progress for launch
Q: Will they be any consoles releases
A: No, nothing is discussed or planned. Only release on PC at this point in time.
Q: Can you play the game via a Controller
A: YES! However, it does have its limitations such as accessing some UI.
Q: What are any restrictions on naming policy
A: Every Latin character from A-Z, Special characters for French and German. We allow numbers.
- Player Names must be between 2 and 20 characters.
- Player Names only contain the following
- Both upper and lower case letters (A-Z)
- Numbers (0-9)
- Special Character full stop (.)
- Special Character hyphen (-)
- Special Character underscore (_)
- Diacritical from A, E, I, O and U
- Diacritical marks can include grave accents (`), acute accents (´), circumflexes (^) and umlauts (¨)
- Cedillas (ç/Ç)
- Uppercase and Lowercase letters is not unique, example – the name SOLO is considered to be identical to Solo.
Q: Any plans for other languages
A: Nope
Q: Any Global Release Related Events
A: No spoiling anything, which basically means, probably yes
Q: Is there Picture More
A: Yes, it is very in-depth with lots of presents and features.
If you haven’t purchased Swords of Legends, you can do so right now on either Steam or Gameforge