MSL League Week 32 – 2021

Monster Super League

In Monster Super League, the closest thing we have to player versus player is Astromon Leagues. For me, this is one of the reasons I play this Mobile Game. Although it is not real time PVP, it still provides me that some sensation of beating someone else’s Astromon team. Further, it is also gives me a reason to continue farming Astrogems weekly to do monthly Hero Festival Pulls.

What is So Special About League

Besides the enjoyment of doing League PVP, this is one of the best income sources of Astrogems weekly. While reaching platinum rank (150 gems) is all you need to farm at least 10,000 Astrogems monthly using my Astrogem farming guide. With Platinum Tier 3, that’s 150 Astrogems weekly, a total of 600 Astrogems monthly. If you reach much higher, even with spending a bit of Astrogems to buy League Tickets, for me, I always reach Heroes Tier 1 minimum each week. That’s 700 Astrogems weekly which is also 2,800 Astrogems monthly. If we minus 800 Astrogems for the weekly ticket purchase, that is still 2,000 vs 700 you would of gotten at Platinum.

That’s not just all, with more runs, means more League medal. Leagues medal is a special league currency that you can exchange for a range of different things. From gems, energy to RGB Eggs to Gleems to trinket materials. In fact, the best items you should always aim to get weekly is RGB gleems, while monthly you should always aim for <High> Light Dark Egg Package, <Heroic> Secret Egg and Holy Gleem. In order to make enough medal monthly to get them, you would need to buy tickets, which so happens to aligns our original plan.

Below is a table of rewards for each rank obtained.

MSL League Rewards Table
League Rewards Table

For me, I always hover around the Diamond/Challenger rank until the last day. I enjoy just autoing through the week racking up as many easy wins as possible. This allows me minimize my time spent playing leagues and maximize my medals obtained without being burnt out. If I wanted to reach Heroes Rank 2-100th position, my strategy would be much different, it would be to gain as much rank on the last few days to ensure I don’t get pushed down. Below, here is my video of me from Challengers rank to Heroes. I went AFK quite often to wait for the reset button to come off cooldown. I made quite a few mistakes and got greedy a couple of times, but it’s all fun and games at the end of the day for me.

Fayie Enterprise
