MSL Clan Festival January 2022

Monster Super League

Looking at my clan, probably not as active as some of the bigger clans out there but I already have half my gauge filled up for Clan Festival. I thought to myself, why not, it be just using a few Astrogems right. I’ll still have enough for over 10 summons for Hero Festival later this month.

So here I am, in Monster Super League Clan Festival. This is one of the two Festivals which actually does include a “pity system”. The more Astromons you summon, the more you are rewarded. It is also the only festival to date that has an infinite Nat4/5 chance per summon you use. This means, pay2win players can essentially get infinite amount of Natural 5 Astromons as much as they can afford to spend on the game.

Let’s get into it, It was only a 8 pulls in total to get that 150 essence, not much but now I think about it, it’s quite a bit too.

Clan Festival

Clan Festival happens just before the new month occurs, it is also the only festival that last nearly 2 weeks long. It’s a ongoing monthly event that happens in Monster Super League.

Was totally not betting on any Natural 5 Astromon looks like I was right on my money.

Jeon Woochi
Jeon Woochi

x 0
x 17
x 71

Wasn’t expecting much as I just wanted the Nat5 Astromon which I got. Wasn’t a Nat5 I wanted or one I deem useful as Water Jeon Woochi to me is pretty useless and good for debuffing for Clan only. Nevertheless, I got quite a bit of Nat4s to release for Essences to enhance my Astromons.

Overall, in eight pulls, I received 0 x Nat5 making it a 0% chance & 19.31% chance of summoning a Nat 4.

Egg Pulls

And the Golden Egg Pulls, both Astromons, the Fire Banshee and Water Jeon Woochi were both not worth mentioning, but food is food, you need food to grow!

Fayie Enterprise
