Rebirth Festival – Draka
Currently in Monster Super League, Rebirth Festival back until the 20th July 2021.
Due to some of the changes that have been made on the 25th June 2021 patch, you can read the patch notes here.
Light Draka currently is looking very strong, maybe even going toe to toe with Fire Draka. Especially since it’s has more HP and Attack than it’s fire counterpart.

While it starts off with only 90% Puncture, it is book-able to 100% making it just as strong if not stronger, especially since it no longer has the “Water” weakness.
While it does not have Morale Boost but Weaken instead, this can boost survivability instead and it would not matter as much if we are building her using Siphon Gem Set from Dragon Towers.
While I didn’t have much Natural 5s to spare this time around since it did come as a surprise for me, I went ahead and scarified 15 to get 5 tries.
I was hoping for a Light and was going to use my Gleems for the rest however, instead I got a very unpleasant surprise. I received a total of 5 Fire Drakas instead. Meaning, now, I have a total of 7 Fire Drakas.
Well, you win some & you loose some, looks like I will be focusing on generating more Nat5s for future Draka Rebirths.