MSL Christmas Event 2020
Snowee & Rudolph
Snowee and Rudolph is back from the Monster Super League Christmas Event.
Unfortunately, in the more recent years, these type of events, 433 (MSL’s Publisher & Developer) started to use a new version of “Special Astrochips” instead of your normal ones you use to catch Astromons. This may sound like a great idea separating them both but the catch is, you can only get so much a day & per event without paying gems for. Making this completely Pay2Win, while before, each event was part of a player’s RNG.
Now, MSL Events not only requires you to rely on luck in encountering the event Astromons, you would also need luck in order to capture it as well; with each failure increasing success rate by 7% stacking indefinitely. You have take 7 tries to capture it, but that also means, you have 6 less Special Astrochips compared to someone who caught it on the first try.
Unfortunately, every year, these type of events, are always using the new version of “Special Astrochips” which you can only get so much a day & per event without paying gems for.
Not only does you rely on luck in encountering the event Astromon, you need luck in order to capture it as well; with each failure increasing success rate by 7% stacking indefinitely.
Water Snowee Evo 1 Water Snowee Evo 2 Water Snowee Evo 3 Light Snowee Evo 1 Light Snowee Evo 2 Light Snowee Evo 3 Dark Snowee Evo 1 Dark Snowee Evo 2 Dark Snowee Evo 3 Wood Rudolph Evo 1 Wood Rudolph Evo 2 Wood Rudolph Evo 3 Light Rudolph Evo 1 Light Rudolph Evo 2 Light Rudolph Evo 3 Dark Rudolph Evo 1 Dark Rudolph Evo 2 Dark Rudolph Evo 3
As mentioned above, the biggest draw back is the sheer amount of RNG luck you need. RNGesus may not always be on your side as it has not been on mine for the past half an hour shown below autoing over 30 times without a single exotic or rare encounter.
![Autos with no Exotics](
The ideal team comp is to have 4 high SP generating Astromons with high AOE DPS.
For me, my Fire Draka with it’s Leech set is the best as after round 1, it always has active for round 2 and 3, always 1 shot the enemies. While my Super Dark Seastar & Dark Seria is there to ensure Round 1 goes by faster. If you have Dark Monas, use them; for me, sadly, I don’t so I had to make do.
While my 4th, in this case Water Nightmare is just a filler to gain EXP during the auto spams. I also always auto spam on “Gold” Bonus levels as EXP is super easy to come by along with EXP fruits while Gold is a little more difficult for a F2P player.
DPS Damage Test
Test 1 – Round 1 Damage Test 1 – Round 2 Damage Test 1 – Round 3 Damage Test 2 – Round 1 Damage Test 2 – Round 2 Damage Test 2 – Round 3 Damage
As you can see with the damage test, Draka always starts slow but always ends up being #1 in DPS. Dark Seria has great single damage but falls off in AOE compares to Draka due to not generating full SP bar fast enough despite having a slight elemental advantage compared to Fire Draka.
Well, what is everyone waiting for, time to grind story mode for your Snowees & Rudolph collections.