4★ Succubus

Monster Super League 4★ Succubus

Succubus has been one of the original Natural 4★ Astromons in Monster Super League since launch. Light and Fire Succubus has always been popular back in the days however fire quickly fell off where as Light and Dark are still as popular as ever.


Fire Succubus

A young girl Astromon who relishes the thrill of battle. Actually, what she really enjoys is causing her opponents discomfort. Succubus has even been spotted punching her master in the arm and screaming cuss words!

A female Astromon who wields a violent temper and loves nothing more than inflicting heavy defeats on her opponents. Lily prefers meek, easygoing masters because she thinks they are easy to walk all over.

“Hey you! Of all the Astromons in Latecia, only I can speak to Master like that! You better take back what you just said, or I’ll make it so you’ll never be able to sit at the dinner table again! I’ll break your chair legs clean in two!”

– Excerpt from “Astromons Say the Darnedest Things”

“Wow, what’s that thing?!”

“That’s my friend, and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t like being called a ‘thing.'”

“I’m pretty sure it’s defective… You should get a refund.”

“He’s human! He’s not some product that I bought.”

“Yeah, but that still doesn’t mean he can’t be defective.”

“Are you kidding?! Look! He just ran away crying!”

– A conversation between Master Nohol-lyno and Succubus

“No matter how much I hit you, you only ever laugh… Do you hate me?

“When I grab your throat between my wings, when I wrap my tail around your wrist and your veins and scars bulge, I love how your knees begin to shudder ever so slightly, and how beads of sweat begin to form on your face…

“That is as far as I will go. I will never hurt you too much, so don’t hate me.

“I do it all because I like you, Master.”

Water Succubus

“Master, I can’t keep up! Show a little consideration to me, would you? Do you have any idea just how tiring it is to fly? You’re so insensitive!”

– Excerpt from “Astromons Say the Darnedest Things”

It can be said Lily has a problem displaying affection. She tries not to let her feelings show, but if she spots her master with another Astromon, she becomes suddenly enraged, much to the bewilderment of those around her.

“Look, I know you’re pretty timid, but still, you should give me some attention now and then. Like when we went to the park that time! What do mean that was only two hours ago?”

– Excerpt from “Astromons Say the Darnedest Things”

“I’m not asking for a lot, just someone who will think of me, care about me, worry about me, comfort me, and make me laugh. What do you say? Wanna fall in love with me?”

“Back when I’d say ‘Do you love me?’ and she’d answer with an energetic ‘Of course!’, things were still good. The more time goes on, though, the heavier her love gets. She doesn’t want to be apart for even a second, and I can’t count how many times she tried to follow me into the bathroom. The doctor says she’s got separation anxiety and a dependency disorder, but it still seems like it’s too much. I suppose I should be thankful she’s not jealous of things like the forks and knives I use…”

Wood Succubus

Succubus is blessed with incredible foresight, and always appears to be half in a dream. Ask her what she is thinking about, and she may just giggle in your face instead of telling you the truth.

Lily’s eyes are known to glaze over from time to time, even when she is sat eating dinner. You could clap in front of her face and she wouldn’t come round! She sees many dreams, sometimes at inopportune moments, but is always a devoted Astromon.

Even in her final form, Lilith’s dreams continue. She looks happiest when sat dozing under the shade of a tree on a warm Sunday afternoon.

“Dreaming is fun.

You can do anything in a dream.

You can eat as many sweets as you want.

You can play with friends all day.

You can fly up in the clouds,

swim down in the sea,

climb a tree as high as the sky…

You can even become anything.

Dreaming is fun.”

A daydream had completely alone, without interference from others, is true freedom. The many dreams of a pure mind build up until they burst forth into the world, granting it light and color.

Today, she once again dreams.

Light Succubus

An Astromon with a timid disposition, Succubus is careful with both her words and actions, and tends to hide behind her master.

A sheepish Astromon, Lily takes the form of an adolescent girl, and when she gives her opinion, she tends to trail off into a whisper. However, when battle approaches, her demeanor flips and she obliterates her foes with artful swordsmanship.

“I really caused a problem this time, huh? I don’t know how I could have been so insensitive…”

– Lilith, when interviewed at Bisden Central Sheriff’s Department

“Whose turn is it to choose our vacation spot?”

“Succubus, no? ‘Cause Leon chose last time, right?”

“Oh, that’s right. Su, where do you wanna go?”

“Is it really okay for me to decide…?”

“Yeah, everyone gets a turn, and now it’s yours. Don’t worry so much.”

“Exactly! There’s gotta be somewhere you’ve always wanted to go, right?”

“Hmm… Um…”

“Don’t be shy now! If you don’t say now, you’ll end up missing your turn.”

“O-okay… I, uh… I wanna go to that one place…!”


“Over the rainbow…”


“Isn’t that what people used to say…? Like with Grandpa Loto, they said he went somewhere over the rainbow… So if we go there, we’ll be able to seem him, right?”


“I miss Grandpa… He used to read to me, and whenever I made a mistake, he’d just laugh and say

it’s okay…”

“Yeah, he was a great guy, your grandpa… Let’s go to Lenath Village, then.”

“Is that where the rainbow bridge is?”

“Yeah, and I’m sure your grandpa’s there waiting for us. Let’s go.”

– A conversation between Master Othannen and Succubus

“Operation: Enticement?! Didn’t I reject this one when it was first proposed?”

“I put it back on the table.”

“Why on earth…?!”

“Because you can totally pull it off. Plus, it poses the lowest threat to our friends, even as a simulation.”

“B-But I don’t think I can do it! It’s too embarrassing!”

“You’re not a kid! You can’t just say no because you don’t want to do it. We’re at war here. You can’t refuse.”

“That’s so unfair! How is a woman as refined as I am supposed to do this?!”

“Lilith, I’m not asking you to do anything extreme. Just wear some pretty clothes and dance a little. The others’ll take care of the rest. It’s either that, or I take a sword and rush into enemy lines.”

“Ugh… I swear, if it was anyone other than you… That’s really all I have to do, right? Right here in the plan, it says my part is done at the party. Okay?”

“Yeah. Just remember to spring into battle when things get out of hand.”

“That means you’re planning on things getting out of hand!”

– A conversation between Master Visxnya and Lilith

Dark Succubus

A humanoid Astromon that takes the appearance of a demon. Succubus’s wings allow her to hover in the air, but she cannot stay airborne for too long. Each Succubus has a different personality, but once they find a master, an insolent streak tends to emerge.

The evolved form of Succubus, Lily is now able to wield her impressive blade with proficiency. Her wings have now grown in size, and she is able to spend much longer in the air, a skill she uses to hold her master’s gaze for as long as possible.

Lilith, the final form of Succubus, is as mature in body and mind as an adult should be. That insolent streak has all but disappeared, and now Lilith prefers to terrorize her victims well out of their gaze.

“Lord Kilix, have you heard?”

The elderly civil officer asked in a whisper. Sometimes nobles would exchange information at these banquets, speaking as though they are sharing some great secret when, in reality, the information can easily be found with just a bit of research. However, sincerely going along with such conversations is an important way of making friends (and not enemies).

“Oh, is it something exciting again?”

The officer grinned, accentuating the wrinkles on his face, and continued in a low voice.

“It is said dark astral energy has been detected in Bandimion Castle.”

Bandimion Castle…? But hasn’t it been empty since the war…?”

“In a sense. It fell into disrepair and became a hideout for vagrants until not long ago, when suddenly the shadows that fell upon it at night began to remain throughout the day. It is even said that a woman’s screams can be heard coming from the castle on moonless nights.”

Public safety was already part of Lord Kilix’s domain, and such a tantalizing story piqued his interest.

A look of annoyance flashed across Lilith’s face.

“Male, female… When it comes to taste, I’m fine with either.”

“You should be careful about what you say. Someone could misunderstand…”

Things were still good when Lord Kilix had found her at Bandimion Castle and the two entered into a contract, but Lilith was too strong-willed, as evidenced by the fact that she super evolved on her own—a rather rare occurrence. Those who only knew Lord Kilix by name mistook her for a man, but she was a very much a woman, and one who had trouble dealing with someone as clingy as Lilith.

“Ugh, stop caressing me with your tail!”

“Hehe, you’re cute when you’re upset…”

“Please help me, Goddess Stella…”

Which Succubus Element Is Worth it?

Simple answer: Light & Dark Succubus.

Both are commonly seen in Astromon League Arena as both when SuperEVOs are a force to be reckon with. Light being on the support side while Dark as a hard crowd control.

Succubus Tier List

Fayiette’s tier list for Succubus would be the following from S to D

  • S = Must have
  • A = Good to have
  • B = Decent to have
  • C = Whatever to have
  • D = Useless to have
MSL Fayie Succubus Collection
Fayie Succubus Collection
Story FarmingBDDDD
Golem FarmingCDDBD
Ancient ColossusCDDCD
Dragon TowerDDDBD
Dimensional RiftDDDBD
Tower of ChaosDDDCD
Tower of Chaos ElementsADDAB
League AttackBDDBA
League DefenseDBCSS
Clan TitansDDDDD

How To Get Succubus?

Yes, while there is no real method to get Succubus, there are a few ways to slowly get them.

  • Hourly Astromon Shards
  • Summoning Shop (RNG)
  • Astromon Eggs
  • Paid $ Packages

Succubus is not a rare Astromon that is hard to collect as they do pop up quite often enough whether you are opening eggs or summoning for you to easily EVO3 the basic elements without much trouble.

MSL Basic Element Succubus Soulstones
Succubus Soulstones from Shop

Which Succubus To SuperEVO?

It would really depend on what you will be using the Succubus for. Light is more of an all-rounder that can be used in majority of the farming contents along with PVP while Dark is more exclusively for PVP use and some niche content like the TOC Dark. However, If you can afford to do so, both Light and Dark are worth SuperEVOing.

Which Succubus To Ascend?

Currently, I firmly believe the only Succubus worth Ascending at this point in time would be Light and Dark Elements only.

Will Fayie Build For Succubus?

For the basic elements, no, I probably won’t, I think I have an Evo 2 o 3 Fire though in the storage but never went through with building her properly. However, if I ever get the pleasure of pulling a Light or Dark Succubus, I would be definitely building them. Most likely with the following gemsets – Light will have Pugilist x3 HP % while Dark will probably have HP, Healer or Magi x3 DEF %.

Fayie Enterprise
