4★ Mini Zephyros

Monster Super League 4★ Mini Zephyros

Mini Zephyros is the forth Mini Anniversary Astromon we received in Monster Super League, she was released during the 4th Anniversary. Just like all the other Mini Astromons, there is only two elements, Light and Dark, and both are natural 4★ Astromons.

The current Mini Anniversary Astromons in game are the following

1stMini Seira
2ndMini Tina
3rdMini Camilla
4thMini Zephyros
5thMini Eve


Light Mini Zephyros

“Zephyros, have you heard of the ship of Theseus? Some otherworlder told me about it.”

“I seem to recall it was a story about identity. Ancient Athenians, in an effort to preserve the ship of Theseus for later generations, would replace its parts as they grew old and worn.”

“Yes, and eventually, all of the original parts were replaced, which raised the question of whether it was still the ship of Theseus if every part of it was brand new!”

“…So, what about it?”

“What about Astromon evolutions? They undergo a sudden physical transformation, after which their personality and behaviours change, right? Concentrated astral energy ends up changing almost every part of them, doesn’t it?”

“You seem to be asking if an Astromons’ evolutions change them on a molecular level. While many aspects of an Astromon may change during evolution, their identity does not. As long as the relativity of time and space remains intact, a newly evolved Astromon is the same as their unevolved self.”

“…I feel even more confused now…”

“Our bodies constantly repair themselves. If you were injured and scraped off some skin, then the skin your body regrows would not make you 1.5%-part someone else.”

Those who receive a calling are said to be filled with a drive that pierces them to their core. The calling I received was one of research. I was given a heavy responsibility and a life of studying Astromons.

There are some who spread false rumors about callings from the goddess, saying they suppress an Astromon’s free will and force them to unwittingly carry out the goddess’s will. However, such statements are nothing more than logical leaps that fail to stand up. The moment one judges the world in such terms, free will ceases to exist; every intelligent being’s life choices become nothing more than a series of mechanisms created from their experiences, momentary sensory chemical reactions, and the results of outside causes and effects, much like that waterwheel slowly spinning up ahead.

– Excerpt from one of Zephyros’s old journals

Day 15, Month 5. After much research and study, I’ve discovered a way to help fully grown Astromons reach a higher plane.

A material I had left on my desk had begun to glow until it filled the entire lab with blue light. I decided to name this material “mystic essence”, and it is the key to an Astromon’s further evolution. As I marveled at the strange blue light, the fatigue that had built up in my body disappeared in an instant.

The research that I had conducted for months finally bore fruit. Countless masters and Astromons will be helped by this research. I hope it can become a link, a means of bringing humans and Astromons closer together.

– Excerpt from one of Zephyros’s recent journals

Dark Mini Zephyros

An anguished wail reverberated throughout the village from the early morning. What appeared to be a fire-elemental Astromon stood frozen next to its sobbing master. From what I had heard, a light-elemental Astromon that the master had cherished suddenly disappeared the night before as part of the fire Astromon’s awakening.

It was likely a simple mistake. The master had probably dropped by the local pub on his way home, and in his inebriated state he selected to use an Astromon he would never normally use in the awakening process. The light Astromon would have then bravely and unhesitatingly sacrificed itself at its master’s command so the fire Astromon could be awakened.

Could the process have been reversed? If so, what would have happened to the fire Astromon? It probably would have been the once to sacrifice itself. Even then, it would no doubt have felt nothing but love toward its master. An Astromon’s love for its master is as unceasing as its drive to fulfill its calling. Both love and drive are like an unspoken promise, bound to one’s soul.

– Excerpt from one of Zephyros’s old journals

A young master who had seemingly come on a tour busily looked around. After watching me for some time organize a large stack of papers on my desk, he gave me a look of pity, as though he had come to a conclusion about my circumstances.

“So, you’re like… basically some sort of graduate student, right?”

I knew what he was trying to say. “You’re a sad apprentice being groomed by a professor under the pretext of graduating, since it’s difficult to do research by yourself,” just in not so many words. Such words needn’t be uttered, however true they may have been. Still, I knew this moment of difficulty I was going through would be nothing more than a speck on the timeline of my life, which had now been lengthened thanks to the calling I received. Everything I was going through was but a small test that would help me move forward in my role as a scholar…

Day 17, Month 6. my research was finally presented to the world. Under the name of my professor…

– Excerpt from one of Zephyros’s old journals

I was suddenly reminded of the past, of experiences that weren’t actually that bad, but I felt like the world was ending at the time. Ultimately, I was able to reclaim my research and receive proper compensation for it.

Day 21, Month 10. Cloudy.

Occasionally, on very rare occasions, I feel like a puppet of the gods. It’s possible that the story of this world has already been written, and the discoveries that must be made known to the world are on a set schedule. My role may merely be that of a researcher who makes those discoveries at their proper times. Perhaps it doesn’t matter how much I rack my brain or make an effort, if all things are decided by the needs of the world.

However, when I make my way into my lab, all of my cares seem to fade, and I become entrenched in my research. That is the power of having a calling. A power that cannot be resisted, forced upon me by a being with absolute authority, undistinguishable from my own desire and interest… Truly a blessing and a curse.

– Excerpt from an old worn notebook hidden in a drawer under lock and key

Which Mini Zephyros Element Is Worth it?

Simple answer: Personally, just like the 3rd Anniversary Astromon, I don’t see Zephyros being super useful either. Resistance Down on passive is “decent” while only 60(+10%) shock on active is pretty poor considering that she is also a Nat4 so her skill books would not be easily accessible for a free to play player.

Mini Zephyros Tier List

Fayiette’s tier list for Mini Zephyros would be the following from S to D

  • S = Must have
  • A = Good to have
  • B = Decent to have
  • C = Whatever to have
  • D = Useless to have
Variant Dark Mini Zephyros Animation
Mini Zephyros
Mini ZephyrosLightDark
Story FarmingDD
Golem FarmingDC
Ancient ColossusDB
Dragon TowerDD
Dimensional RiftDC
Tower of ChaosDD
Tower of Chaos ElementsCC
League AttackDD
League DefenseCD
Clan TitansDC

How To Get Mini Zephyros?

The only way to get Mini Zephyros is during the Anniversary Events that goes on.

  • Exotic Capture Event
  • Paid $ Packages
  • Anniversary/Special Login Event
  • Compensation Rewards

Mini Zephyros is an Anniversary Astromon that is hard to collect. If you miss out Evo3ing both Light and Dark, It may be awhile before you get a chance to obtain her again.

MSL 5th Anni Login Event
5th Anni Login Event

Which Mini Zephyros To SuperEVO?

At this current stage, Mini Zephyros is not capable of SuperEVOing, even if she was, the other Mini Event Astromons would be more worthwhile and a priority before Zephyros.

Which Mini Zephyros To Ascend?

No, I wouldn’t even bother with Ascension for Zephyros unfortunately. While Dark does look attractive, she needs SuperEVO and even then, her style of gameplay is to drag out an instance for maximum DPS which would be effectively counterproductive if we are using her for content grinding.

Will Fayie Build For Mini Zephyros?

Just like Mini Camilla, I do have both of them at Evo3 without gems and they won’t be getting gems either. I never considered building her when I received her last year and I won’t do it now either.

If I do build ever them, under the assumption the skills and stats are unchanged, I would build Light full HP set and Dark would go Ruin set with CRate with double Attack %

Fayie Enterprise
