4★ Mini Seira

Monster Super League 4★ Mini Seira

Mini Seira is the first ever Mini Anniversary Astromon that was released during the 1st Anniversary of Monster Super League. Just like all the other Mini Astromons, there is only two elements, Light and Dark, and both are natural 4★ Astromons.

The previous Mini Anniversary Astromons are

1stMini Seira
2ndMini Tina
3rdMini Camilla
4thMini Zephyros
5thMini Eve


Light Mini Seira

“Today was my first date at the academy run by the temple of the goddess Stella. Here, we all receive education based on our individual callings. My calling is to be a navigator. Navigators help otherworldly masters become adjusted to Latecia, and support them to do well in the League. The principal told me that only very few people become navigators, and that I should be proud. I’m going to work hard to become the best Astromon I can!”

“It feels like just yesterday I started, but I’m already part of the upperclassmen. Life at the academy dorms is very fun. I live together with others with the same calling as me, and while sometimes I make silly mistakes, we’re having a good time together. Miyah’s a little weird but has a great personality, while Nikita likes books and is really smart. Molloy is dependable, and also cooks up a mean meal! Tomorrow we all start on-site training as apprentice navigators, and we’ll be visiting the Astromasters’ Association to meet experienced navigators. I hope to hear some great stories!”

“It’s finally time for graduation. I knew it would happen someday, but I can’t believe everything went by so quickly. I’m so sad to be leaving the friends I’ve made here. Last night we all sat together and cried. I’ll be giving a speech tomorrow at the ceremony as valedictorian, and I’ll probably end up crying again. We’ll be able to meet up again someday, though, right? I’m going to work hard as a navigator until then.

P.S. I wonder what my master is going to be like!”

Dark Mini Seira

“The academy is SO boring. They put pointless stuff in the curriculum that is just plain common sense. Still, I need to keep my scholarship, so I’m not doing anything mischievous. I pretend to listen and nod my head, and that makes them think I’m a good student.”

“This place feels like a jail sometimes. My roommates are all morons. They’re loud, stupid, and they never stop moving. They all treat me like some sort of princess. I guess to them, I must seem like some super talented person who’s good at everything. If I put up with them, we should be able to have a good top-down relationship. Not that it means anything. Tomorrow is the beginning of our apprenticeship. I just wanna graduate and get out of here.”

“The graduation ceremony’s finally over. I gave a speech as valedictorian, and had to stop myself from saying “See you later, morons! I’m free!” It would’ve felt so refreshing to say in the moment, but I can’t just burn all those bridges, since I’ll still be seeing these people and be connected to the academy. I really hope I find a good otherworldly master, preferably one who’s naive and a little stupid.”

Which Mini Seira Element Is Worth it?

Simple answer: Light and Dark are both good with Dark pulling out slightly ahead purely due to 10% additional CRATE vs 50% additional CDMG.

I have a Dark Seira built up and has been a trusty Dark DPS Astromon for a very long time, I will build my Light Seira eventually when I have more gems to spare for her.

Mini Seira Tier List

Fayiette’s tier list for Mini Seira would be the following from S to D

  • S = Must have
  • A = Good to have
  • B = Decent to have
  • C = Whatever to have
  • D = Useless to have
MSL Mini Seira Animation
Mini Seira
Mini SeiraLightDark
Story FarmingAA
Golem FarmingAA
Ancient ColossusAA
Dragon TowerBB
Dimensional RiftBB
Tower of ChaosAA
Tower of Chaos ElementsAA
League AttackAA
League DefenseDD
Clan TitansCC

How To Get Mini Seira?

The only way to get Mini Seira is during the Anniversary Events that goes on.

  • Exotic Capture Event
  • Special Guardian Dungeon Shards
  • Paid $ Packages
  • Anniversary/Special Login Event
  • Compensation Rewards

Mini Seira is an Anniversary Astromon that is hard to collect. If you miss out Evo3ing both Light and Dark, It may be awhile before you get a chance to obtain her again.

MSL 5th Anni Login Event
5th Anni Login Event

Which Mini Seira To SuperEVO?

Just like all the other Mini Astromons, none of them are capable of SuperEVOing currently.

Which Mini Seira To Ascend?

I personally haven’t even enhanced my dark Mini Seira properly yet, (honestly, not sure what I did back then, but it’s a complete mess), so I won’t be doing ascension on her anytime despite it being super useful. Simply due to the fact that there are so many other better Astromons that can be used. I really do wish they give all the Mini Astromons SuperEVO, the moment they do, I would ascend her right away.

Will Fayie Build For Mini Seira?

I have a Dark Mini Seira properly built minus the Enhancement. With 100% Crit Rate, she done amazingly strong DPS out there. However, due to not having SuperEVO, her stats does lack compared to a SuperEVOed Dark Mona for example.

Fayie Enterprise
