In the world of Lost Ark, the world of Arkesia, one of the most frustrating things when you have absolutely no idea how to complete or find something right? even more so when it is super vague or badly translated.
That feeling can also occur when you are trying to 100% your adventure tome but you have no idea where the hidden stuff are and there are absolutely vague to no clues at all.
One particular Hidden Story in Yudia that took awhile for me to locate was the The Mirage.
A Strange’s story had the nomads musing about the sunken capital of Morai rising again. An old shaman then said.
“The shadow of the fallen king might still be dwelling in this land.”
Below, I will show you spot where you can find the Hidden Story located.
The Hidden story is located in the Continent Yudia and the Map Area Ozhorn Hill.
Once you find the spot, you should be able to interact with it by the default hotkey “G”. This will allow you to read the letter on the ground while completing “The Mirage” hidden story.
Finding all hidden story in the continent Yudia is required in order to 100% your adventure tome.
Below, I have also a video if you still need assistance finding it.