In the world of Lost Ark, the world of Arkesia, you are able to fight for your honour like many other MMORPGs out there. Amazon’s Global Lost Ark release will start it’s PVP Season 1 sometime in March.
When we talk about PVP, there is usually always some PVP Rewards that goes with it, Coin of Courage & Tenacious Coin are the two currencies associated with Lost Ark PVP Season 1.
Like all in-game currencies, it’s purpose will be used to exchange for goodies, whether it is for honing materials, exclusive mounts, titles or even for Lost Ark’s VIP Status – Crystalline Aura.
However, at this stage, it has not been released how and what the Coin of Courage & Tenacious Coin which are both exclusively for PVP Season 1 will bring. What we do know is, until the season officially starts, we can already obtain the currency and it expires when Season 2 starts. which is roughly 6 months after S1 starts.
PVP Ranks
Alongside the grades and tiers present in Lost Ark since launch, new Competitive ranks can be achieved. As players increase their ‘Competitive Match Average Score’, ranks will be attained as the score thresholds listed below are met. The ranks players can earn (based on ‘Competitive Match Average Score’) are:
- Grand Master: Top 30 players in the region
- Master: Top 31 – 100 players in the region
- Diamond: 2000+
- Platinum: 1800 – 1999
- Gold: 1600 – 1799
- Silver: 1400 – 1599
- Bronze: 1399 or below
Competitive Match Average Score will decay if a player doesn’t participate in Competitive matches for 2 weeks.
How to Earn Coin of Courage & Tenacious Coin
By queuing into “Team Deathmatch”, you will be able to earn the Coin of Courage, regardless whether you win or lose.
In fact, there are two different PVP Currency coins, Coin of Courage & Tenacious Coins.
- Coin of Courage is obtained when your character is above Item Level 302
- Tenacious Coins is obtained when your character is below Item Level 302
You will be able to find both these currencies in your currency list under Token Items.
Where is the NPC Vendor
Where is the NPC Vendor for Coin of Courage? The vendor is always located next to the PVP Arena NPC in each major city
Exchange List
The currency PvP Season 1 Rewards & Exchange List will contain the following.
- Exclusive Mounts
- Badges
- Cosmetics
- Honing Materials