In the world of Lost Ark, the world of Arkesia, there is a total of 8 different type of collections players can collect. Omnium Star are one of them. There are currently as of this guide a total of 6 Omnium Star to be collected. Omnium Star are the very last collectible introduced in game, in fact, you must be T3 to even have it unlocked.
Omnium Star are best known for two things, Legendary Wealth Rune 2 Greater Skill Potions (a total of 12 skill points).
Like other Collections, collecting all the Omnium Star is not impossible but does rely on RNG, more specifically; #6 Omnium Star.
Below, we outlined each of the 6 Omnium Star, how to obtain them and what type of category they fall under.
Interestingly, Omnium Star is the only collectible in game that does not have an achievement.
Omnium Star | How To Obtain |
Omnium Star #1 | Punika – Yellow Quest – Whispering Star |
Una’s Task
Omnium Star | How To Obtain |
Omnium Star #2 | Una’s Task: Purification Ceremony (Level 2 Reward) |
PVE Content / Raids / Dungeons
Omnium Star | How To Obtain |
Omnium Star #5 | Punika’s World Boss Moake (ilvl 1340 to have a chance to hit) |
Omnium Star #6 | Anguished Isle – Garden of Despair – Stella (Final Boss) |
Omnium Star #7 | South Vern – Chaos Line (Final Boss) |
Omnium Star | How To Obtain |
Omnium Star #4 | Spearfish Hunting Guild Vessel Sun Coin x8,000 |
Omnium Star | How To Obtain |
Omnium Star #3 | Nia Trusted Stage |
You will be able to receive the rewards on Wisdom Isle.