Lost Ark – Launch Issues

Lost Ark just launched a little over 30 minutes ago.

As we know via Discord, Forums and even Reddit, thousands of players are unable to play the game at all. There are players who are either experiencing crashes / black screen when launching Lost Ark Online or the game completely crashes while you load in to unable to unpack your pre-load you did yesterday.

Steam Lost Ark

Verify integrity of game files

One of the most common methods to check any issues on Steam games is to repair corrupted or missing game files. This will ensure that you have the latest and verified Lost Ark’s files.

  • Follow the steps below to verify the file integrity of Lost Ark on Steam and repair the files:
  • Restart your Steam.
  • Go to Library page on Steam
  • Right-click on Lost Ark
  • Select Properties
  • Go to the “Local Files” tab.
  • Click the “Verify integrity of game files” button.
  • Re-launch Lost Ark
Steam Lost Ark Verify Integrity of Game Files

Update your GPU drivers

This one is a no biggie, make sure your graphics card drivers are always up to date with the latest versions.

Below, you can find the link to either the official NVIDA or AMD’s latest drivers downloads page

NVIDIA: https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/drivers/
AMD: https://www.amd.com/en/support

At times, you can attempt a “Clean Install” if you feel that one of your files may be corrupted.

Install / repair Visual C++ redistributables

What are Visual C++ redistributables?

The Visual C++ Redistributable installs Microsoft C and C++ (MSVC) runtime libraries. These libraries are required by many applications built by using Microsoft C and C++ tools. If your app uses those libraries, a Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package must be installed on the target system before you install your app. The Redistributable package architecture must match your app’s target architecture. The Redistributable version must be at least as recent as the MSVC build toolset used to build your app.

If you do not have them or missing .DLL files, this can be one of the primary causes for Lost Ark to crash or not start at all.

This is an easy fix, all you have to do is to download and install the latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-US/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-170

After restarting your PC after installation, you can re-launch Lost Ark.

Steam Time Out Error/Stuck on Unpacking

This is one of the most common issues for players on Lost Ark during Head Start

Most of you would have pre-loaded the game, but if you check your actual Lost Ark folder, it is empty. This is because the game has been cached away and not unpacked yet.

Steam cannot unpack the files as it is missing a decryption key, which is where the issues lays. Steam is having trouble connecting to the AWS servers to grab the key you purchased thus unable to unpack the files. This is causing the population to receive the Time Out error where it looks like it is “Downloading” files even though you have already preloaded.

Steam Lost Ark Time Out

They are recommendations that may assist in getting your connection across.

1. Changing your Steam downloads Location.

Steam Lost Ark Change Downloads Region

2. Another recommendation is to connect your steam through a VPN such as Exit Lag.

Lastly, Amazon has given an official reply so far to the issue while they look into the issue

Lost Ark AMZ TimeOut Reply

What I did to get mine to work was Verify integrity of game files & restarting Steam.

Lost Ark Unpacking

Easy AntiCheat Error Fixes

Like me, you may also been receiving the pesky annoying Easy AntiCheat Launch Error

Launch Error Code 30005 (CreateFile failed with 32.)

LostArk Easy AntiCheat Launch Error

The solution is super easy, all you have to do is the following

Open up your File Explorer.

  • Navigate to the drive on which you saved the game on (Default is C Drive, Sample file path would look like C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Lost Ark\Binaries\Win64\EasyAntiCheat)
  • Find your Steam Folder
  • Find the Steamapps Folder
  • Find the common Folder
  • Find the Lost Ark Folder
  • Find the Binaries Folder
  • Find the Win64 Folder
  • Find the EasyAntiCheat folder
  • Double-click and run the EasyAntiCheat_setup application
  • Find the Game, if Lost Ark is your only game, press Repair Service
  • Wait till it’s finish and restart Lost Ark
Fayie Enterprise
