Square Enix – Final Fantasy XIV – Return for 96 Hours For Free

World of Warcraft #1 Competitor

Did you know, I’m not just saying this because I love WoW, but Final Fantasy XIV was one of the biggest flops MMORPGs in history. It’s failure was unmatched until Bless Online came around. Which was crowned in a totally different way and it was not in a good way.

Final Fantasy XIV failure was simply due the game was not up to standard and had way to much issues while Bless Online was the developers milked it for all it’s worth.

To all Bless Online fans, I loved that game, I played the KR version religiously before being region banned. Then I supported the Global Release and played over 200hours before it shut down. However, despite how much I enjoyed it, It was a major flop, the developers really screwed that one up.

Bless Online Stats
Fayie’s Bless Online Stats

However, despite being such a huge flop, Square Enix made a massive comeback, so great, that it was one of the biggest MMORPG comeback with their Final Fantasy XIV v2 that even to this day, nothing has been able to rivaled this title. Now in 2023, Final Fantasy XIV is on par with Blizzard’s World of Warcraft. While personally for me, it is no way near a WoW killer, but to others, it is just the WoW killer they always wished for. Afterall, there are a very clear division between WoW and FF14 fans and most cases, WoW fans don’t enjoy FF14 and vice versa.

As for which side I am on, it is World of Warcraft’s of course. Despite dislike some of the questionable decsisions they make like turning Woman into Fruits, or some failed expansions, cough Shadowlands cough. I still very much enjoy WoW at the end of the day.

Enough about that, Just like World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy XIV is also very story driven and focuses more on PVE end-game as opposed to PVP, another thing that it shares in common is that FF14 is an Buy to Play and Subscription based game. Today, FF14 has release a notice saying, all past FF14 players who currently has an inactive subscription can return and play up to 96 hours.

Which is honestly a dumb down direct copy and paste promotion of World of Warcraft’s Return to WoW for Free Weekend just a few days ago. The only direct is while WoW’s was 72 hours, FF14 is 96, but wow let everyone even non-purchasers return to play and experience the entire game for free while FF14 has the following three restrictions.

  • Must have previously purchased and registered FINAL FANTASY XIV
  • All registered service accounts must be set as inactive during the campaign period
  • Registered service account must have been inactive for at least thirty days

However, if you do qualify for the free FF14 period, all you have to do is, Launch the FFXIV client and log in.

Please keep in mind that your free play period begins immediately after logging in.

What you waiting for?

Final Fantasy XIV System Requirements

WindowsMinimum RequirementsRecommended
OSWindows® 8.1 64 bit, Windows® 10 64 bitWindows® 8.1 64 bit, Windows® 10 64 bit
Graphics1280 x 720: NVIDIA® Geforce® GTX750 or higher, AMD Radeon™ R7 260X or higher1920 x 1080: NVIDIA® Geforce® GTX970 or higher AMD Radeon™ RX 480 or higher
CPUIntel® Core™i5 2.4GHz or higherIntel® Core™i7 3GHz or higher

Campaign Schedule

From Friday, 18 November 2022 at 8:00 GMT (19:00 AEDT)
to Friday, 16 December 2022 at 14:59 GMT (17 December at 01:59 AEDT)

Free Login Period

Four days including the day on which users first log in. This period ends on the fourth day at 23:59 (GMT).

Please kindly understand that this campaign is based on the GMT time zone. The campaign passes automatically to the next day at 00:00 (GMT) / 1:00 (CET) / 11:00 (AEDT).

Client Download

If you need to re-install the game, please download the official client software.

Fine Print

  • The free login period begins after logging in via the game launcher using your Square Enix ID and password.
  • Once activated, the free login period will end once it reaches the allotted free play duration regardless of whether you actually play the game.
  • Players with multiple service accounts registered to a single Square Enix account cannot participate if at least one of the accounts is currently active.
  • Service accounts that have been canceled or suspended due to a violation of the service agreement cannot participate.
  • Players who purchase a subscription during their free login period will forfeit the remaining duration of said period.
  • Players cannot log in using a platform on which their service accounts have not been registered.
  • Players can log in using all platforms on which their service account has been registered.
  • When attempting to participate in the free login campaign using a Square Enix account with multiple service accounts, the free login period will be valid only for the first service account selected upon logging in. Please note that you may be unable to participate in the free login campaign with more than one service account at a time. If you cannot log in using a second service account even after meeting all other requirements, we ask that you wait for the free login period to expire on your first service account and try again.
  • Server maintenance may be carried out during the free login period. Please note that you will be unable to log in to the game during maintenance.
Fayie Enterprise
