Tower of God: Great Journey – Pot Idle Visual Bug

Tower of God: Great Journey

Tower of God has been one of the biggest known WebToons series on All manga readers have at least heard of this series, while reading & enjoying it is another story.

Recently, during valentines this month, Tower of God released globally their Mobile Gacha game and while it is not a genre I usually dabble in, I can say, Tower of God: Great Journey is great enjoyable.

Bug Report

Have reported it through a Ticket


After AFKing on the Rice Pot Training Room after a period of time, sometimes, visually you will receive a visual bug where it seems that you are not accumulating any EXP/Gold nor advancing through the Idle Pot Stages.


A simple restart or entering Tower/Story that physically moves your character out of the pot will fix this.

From what I have seen so far, your accumulated idle gains are not lost, and this is purely visually only.

The video below will show you a demonstration of the Visual bug where it says 0/960M but when clicking in, it isn’t 0/960 and after defeating waves 2/20 does not advance to 3/20.

Fayie Enterprise
